Why blog?

I have begun the new year redoing my website. A a part of that, I will be doing a regular blog. It seems that everyone is doing a blog. Why should I do one? I spent time thinking about that. 

I retired in 2018—not as an artist but as a mental health therapist. Since retirement, I have had opportunity to combine different aspects of my life and stretch myself by trying some new things. I have been learning about myself and what is important to me. Areas that I thought were separate have turned out not to be, and it has been fun exploring different combinations of interests and skills. 

One example is a class that I recently taught at my church. I called it “From the Inside Out.” It was based on the idea that art can help us live better lives—even enrich our faith.  I had my class picture visiting an art museum that had different emotions or challenges assigned to each floor. The paintings and music of each floor would have the capability of teaching the viewer new things about each subject. Class began with a video in which I put together art and music. This was followed by an opportunity to “process” reactions and by group discussion and bible verses to stimulate thinking and growth.

At first I thought this class was just about faith and art. The amazing thing was that I got to combine so many of my interests—my faith, my art, my music, and my love of the counseling process. Facilitating a class focused on emotions and areas of personal growth was incredibly enjoyable. This class felt like the class I had always wanted to teach, and it played to my strengths. 

OK, back to why I might want to write a blog. I have been trying to figure out what I want from being an artist at this point in my life.  I realized that my combination of interests might have a unique contribution. This is who I am. In this blog space, I will be sharing devotional or inspirational thoughts related to different elements of art and design. Sometimes the thoughts will be mine; some will be from others I admire.  I will also share recent paintings in the blog. I look forward to your thoughts and reactions, and I hope you follow me on my journey. 

7 thoughts on “Why blog?

  1. Joni Laver

    Love it Debbie! I look forward to reading your thoughts, devotional, and see your pictures. You are sure blooming in this second chapter of your life/career.


  2. Liz Walker

    Debbie, your website looks beautiful–so lovely to see the array of your watercolors. I think it’s great that you’re blogging—it’s a good way to share your thinking process with others. Fabulous way to start the new year!

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